Faraway worlds

by Ann Vielhaben (comments: 0)

In: Audiobook

This definitely includes the works of the great Ursula K. Le Guin.

Soon to be published by Hörbuch Hamburg HHV GmbH.
Already available on Audible
Produced by Lauscherlounge GmbH

Voiced by: Oliver Siebeck, Ann Vielhaben, Gabriele Blum

Ursula K. Le Guin's visionary Hainish novels, which tell of humanity colonizing distant planets, have redrawn the map of modern science fiction. In "The Word for World is Forest," read by Oliver Siebeck, colonists enslave an entire planet to seize its resources - but the forest dwellers know how to fight back. "The Lore," read by Ann Vielhaben, is the harrowing story of a society that has suppressed its cultural heritage.

The novels display Ursula K. Le Guin's full linguistic mastery. "The Word for World is Forest" won the Hugo Award, and "The Telling" won both the Endeavour Award and the Lotus Award in 2001.

Running time: 750 minutes
Original language: American
Translation: Translated from the American by Karen Nölle
Release date: 01/26/2022

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